Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 13 Discussion

13 Discussion

Q The textbook provides only an excerpt from Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own. So, since this is a very short reading, please read it in full and carefully. We should recognize the context of the excerpt: Woolf is in a library conducting research on "the different fates of men and women." Please answer both questions listed below with a full paragraph using direct quotes and examples from the text to support your claims. Do not respond to a student post this week. 1. What is Woolf's point about the historical records of a woman in fiction versus a woman in reality? 2. Discuss Woolf's thoughts on an imagined sister of Shakespeare.

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Virginia Woolf’s A room of one’s own speaks a lot about how men and women are perceived by the people of the society. It is absolutely essential to get to the core of the understanding through the reading before reaching any kind of conclusion.